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Quick Sort

  • Runtime: 0 (n Log (n)) Average, 0 (n*2) Worst Case. Memory: 0 (log (n) ) .
  • In quick sort, we pick a random element and partition the array, such that all numbers that are less than the partitioning element come before all elements that are greater than it.
  • The partitioning can be performed efficiently through a series of swaps.

  • If we repeatedly partition the array (and its sub-arrays) around an element, the array will eventually become sorted.
  • However, as the partitioned element is not guaranteed to be the median (or anywhere near the median), our sorting could be very slow. This is the reason for the 0 (n**2) worst case runtime.
def quickSort(Array):
return divide(Array)

def divide(Array):
if len(Array) <= 1:
return Array
pivote = Array[0]
left = divide([elt for elt in Array if elt < pivote])
right = divide([elt for elt in Array if elt > pivote])
array = concure(Array, left, pivote, right)
return array

def concure(Array, left, pivote, right):
return left + [pivote] + right
